Free Icon Maker Mac Os X

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  • Mac Os X Folder Icons Download Free; Mac Os X Folder Icons Download Desktop; Folder Icon Creator is an app to customize the icons on your Mac. The program comes pre-bundled with hundreds of icons that you can use to create custom folder icons and custom file icons on your Mac. Folder Icon Creator is an app to customize the icons on your Mac.
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  • Download the latest version of Folder Icon Maker for Mac for free. Read 10 user reviews and compare with similar apps on MacUpdate.

Runs on: Mac OS X 10.4 or later Icon Maker v. Icon Maker can edit and creat icons, cursors and animated cursors - using the common editing tools and effects, Import icons from images and files, and export icons in a custom size and color depth.

I've always wanted to create my own Mac OS X icons eversince I found a few cool ones while surfing for some nice artwork at My problem was that I couldn't find a FREE application that could let me do so. The only thing I could find was IconBuilder by the IconFactory. It's a plugin for Adobe Photoshop designed to help you easily create icons. Price tag:$79(USD). Ouch! As much as I wanted to create my own icons, I wasn't willing to shell out that much money. Of course IconBuilder does come with a few extra features such as the ability to create 1024x1024 icons (that's LARGE - if your display has a resolution of 800x600, your icons would actually be BIGGER than your desktop)Osx icon maker as well as the ability to create icons for Windows (can't imagine what I'd use that feature for). But really, all I wanted was a simple icon creator. And finally, after months of searching, I found Pic2Icon. Developed by Mike Margolis, Pic2Icon is an application that allows you to create icons out of picture files (supports TIFF, JPG, PNG and many other formats). And it's FREE!Yey!

Icon Maker Mac Os X

It also works great and has easy drag and drop functionality.
To create an icon, drag your picture file into the Pic2Icon well (for this example, I used the apple from the PinoyMacLovers logo, which I saved as a PNG file with a transparent background).
Voila! Pic2Icon turns the actual picture into its own icon, retains the transparency and applies anti-aliasing (prevents jagged edges).
Pic2Icon was created way back in 2002. The developer site seems to be unavailable now. But if you read the readme file, here's an exerpt from what the developer has to say about the cost of the application:
Besides being 100% freeware, Pic2Icon is 'Get Mike an internship at Apple doing Cocoa development'ware. Basically, whoever gets me the coolest internship at Apple this summer gets a registered copy of all future versions of Pic2Icon.

Thanks for developing this app, Mike Margolis. I do hope you got that Apple internship. :)
[UPDATE 2011-01-04]
Pic2Icon is a pretty old app and hasn't been updated in awhile. For something newer, you might want to try Img2Icns. You can download the free version that exports to .icns files and folder icons. The pro version lets you export iPhone icons and favicons, and lets you convert icons into images.
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